Amazon Bestselling Author
Matthew Rouse

My name is Matt Rouse and I am the author of six books specifically geared at small businesses and entrepreneurs. I host the Digital Marketing Masters Podcast, co-host of the Business Builder Throwdown, and I am one of two co-founders of Hook Digital Marketing, an international digital marketing firm.
- Improving Productivity with AI
- Modern SEO (in an AI world!)
- Where is AI headed? AI Ethics, Alignment, Potential Dangers, and Potential Benefits.
- Is AI going to take my job?
- How to grow your business on modern PEERtainment networks – and why your old social media strategy is failing.
- Any Digital Marketing topics.
Watch My Latest Appearance on the Marketing Matters Show.
Click on the cover to check out the website for the book and test out partnering with AI for yourself with our built-in AI powered chatbot.
Recent Releases
Is your company strugling with missed deadlines, lazy employees, shiny object syndrome, dwindling sales, and diminishing returns? Maybe you need to check out if how you’ve always done it needs to be a thing of the past.
Matt Rouse – Bio
Matt is the host of the Digital Marketing Masters Podcast and co-host of the Business Builder Throwdown show. He is the co-founder of Hook DM and Hook DM Canada.
Matt started out decades ago working for several fortune 500 organizations, contracting in IT for marketing groups at companies like Intel, Nike, and Shaw Communications. After crowdfunding his first book, Crush SEO, he followed that up with three Amazon category Bestsellers, Start Saying Yes, How We’ve Always Done It, and PEERtainment. His podcast is currently in the top 10% of podcasts worldwide with hundreds of thousands of downloads.
He lives the hobby farmer life in his spare time, with his lovely wife, Kari Rouse, and their daughter Faith. They also have an extended family of more than fifty chickens, a dog Roise and a cat Hattie. They currently reside on a flower farm on the shores of the Annapolis Valley riven basin in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Matt is a Fabulous Podcast Guest
He wants to be a guest on your show to make you look good, drop some knowledge bombs, and deliver immense value to your audience.
We will also turn our social media team loose on promoting his episode on your show before and after it’s released!
Download a PDF Copy of Matt’s One Sheet HEre
Or click the image below to download your own copy now!
Flattening The HAMSTER WHEEL
- Work less and make more.
- Find out where you’re losing money and time.
- Learn who your potential customers really are.
- Get your business unstuck.
- Be more productive with your sales and marketing to reduce your workload.
Learn how to make practical, intentional decisions on how to market your business. Maybe you’ll even be able to take a vacation.
3rd Edition – completely free.
Other Books
Digital Marketing Masters
The only podcast where you get current, actionable tactics to grow your business from experts who are changing the culture of business.
Start Saying Yes
This is not a mushy new age revelation of optimism, but a down to earth series of simple stories and quotes from the personal experiences of one marketing agency owner, trying to navigate a world of terrible customer service, confusing sales person commentary, and the word “NO” posted on every available open space.
Crush SEO
Though a little out of date now, this book was the 2015 & 2016 bible of local SEO. This book went through more than 10 editions in 18 months to stay current.